Rob Roy Collins is a street performer and escapologist and it’s the latter element that is the most entertaining. Because it is rightly the climax of the performance it does mean that undoubtedly the best is left to last. In today’s case it also means for a slow start to Collins’ performance with a few missteps along the way.
A section featuring Collins walking on lego as if it was a walking on fire segment features two audience members building lego figures while Collins inches his way across the lego. It is something of a lull in the set – you wish that he would walk a little quicker.
His comedic patter doesn’t quite work in this section either, probably a reflection of that moment in the set, but his work comes into its own in the second half when it feels more confident as Collins becomes more assured in his performance as he comes onto the escapology section.
Balancing on top of a ladder he works his way out of handcuffs and chains held by four padlocks. It’s fantastic entertainment and worth the wait.