Write for us

In this section

  1. Reviewing for The Arts Dispatch
  2. Pitch Guidelines

1. Reviewing for The Arts Dispatch

We’re interested in hearing from anyone interested in reviewing across Britain and Ireland, including: (but not limited to):

  • London
  • Manchester
  • Liverpool
  • Chichester
  • Stratford-upon-Avon
  • Dublin

In 2025 we will have opportunities to review a variety of arts and culture, including:

  • Theatre including plays and musicals
  • Comedy
  • Dance
  • Music
  • Festivals

No direct experience of stage criticism is necessary but you should be able to critically engage with the work you will be reviewing. You should be able to provide a short example of your writing – this does not have to be a piece of writing that has been published and it can be about anything, not necessarily theatre and the arts.

Writing positions are unpaid. Instead, free tickets to opening nights are provided in exchange for a short review. We hope this will change in future.

Finally, you must be over 18 to review for The Arts Dispatch.

If you are interested please fill out the form below or, if you have questions, email: jim@theartsdispatch.com

About you (short is fine)
Include a link or paste your writing example below:
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2. Pitch Guidelines:

We are currently unable to offer paid features for freelance writers. However, if that isn’t enough to dissuade you, we are happy to consider pitches for articles you would be interested in seeing published on the website.

Send a brief outline of what you want to write about, why it would work for The Arts Dispatch and why you’re the best person to write it to jim@theartsdispatch.com

We aim to respond to all pitches within 2 weeks – feel free to send a follow-up if you haven’t heard back by then.