Review: Georgia d’Arcy Roden, Crooner’s Corner, Glastonbury Festival 2023

Crooner’s Corner is a great place to take a step back while at Glastonbury Festival – to kick back and unwind with a few easy tunes. This isn’t like other stages, in fact, it isn’t really even a stage, being made up of a small corner of the Circus Field by Bella’s Bridge.

Most performers here sing to backing tracks and Georgia d’Arcy Roden is no different as she works her way through a variety of hits – Can’t Take My Eyes Off You and Valerie, a highlight of the set.

Being placed in the thoroughfare between Bella’s Field and the Circus Field, it’s accepted that most people will walk by Crooner’s Corner without stopping, but a hardy core stops to stay to watch, sing along, and even dance. Roden draws them in, the numbers beginning to grow throughout the set.

It’s one of the less showy areas of the festival but, like many of the things we have reviewed or featured this weekend, it’s one of the many things that makes the festival what it is. d’Arcy Roden’s voice is full of soul – understated and smooth, and the songs she chooses perfectly showcase those strengths.

You wish you could hear her again at another time, in another place – maybe in a jazz bar with low lights and accompanied by a piano and a single trumpet. Until then, isn’t it wonderful to chill out by Bella’s Bridge and enjoy the here and now as d’Arcy Roden sings Nat King Cole?

Georgia d’Arcy Roden is at Glastonbury Festival 2023